Clik-N-Lok™ INSTANT rotor attachment sytem eliminates the requirement for set screws and tools during rotor exchange.
Eight position microtube rotor.
Storage compartment for PCR rotor and 0.5ml & 0.2ml adapters.
Near silent operation.
Decelerates in just one second.
Four position PCR strip rotor.
Eight position microtube rotor is included and comes installed.
When the lid is closed, the rotor instantly reaches 6,000 rpm.
By opening the lid, the improved braking system quickly and smoothly decelerates the rotor to a complete stop in just one second.
Also included a second rotor for 0.2ml PCR tubes and strips which is stored (together with the rotor removal key) in a convenient compartment on the bottom of the centrifuge.
When the rotor is not in use, storage in this compartment prevents loss or misplacement of the rotor.
LabConsulting GmbH and LC LabService GmbH are Austrian companies which cooperate with over 600 manufacturers and offers a selection of more than 180,000 products and various laboratory product and service solutions for our Labcustomers.
Die LabConsulting GmbH und die LC LabService GmbH sind österreichische Unternehmen, die mit über 600 global verteilten Herstellern zusammenarbeiten und mit einer Auswahl von mehr als 180.000 Produkten und verschiedenen Laborprodukt- und Servicelösungen unseren Parnern im Labor anbieten.