Roche LightCycler 480, Roche LightCycler 96, Qiagen RotorGene Q, Qiagen Rotor Gene Series, Corbett Realtime PCR, BMS Mic, Biorad CFX Connect, Biorad CFX96, Biorad CFX Touch, Applied Biosystem ABI 7500, Applied Biosystem ABI 7500 Fast, Applied Biosystem ABI StepOne, Applied Biosystem ABI StepOne Plus, Thermo Scientific Quant Studio 5, Slan Realtime PCR, Tianlog Gentier 96E, Tianlong Gentier 96R, Stratagene Mx3500p, Azure Biosystems™ Cielo™ 3 and 6 real-time PCR Systems.
It is also compatible with any thermal cyclers that have FAM and HEX/VIC Channel.